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quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011


Um rasgo de luz na escuridão da ignorância. Graças por uma atitude coerente e humana e dentro da legalidade dos humanos iluminados...
Escola horrível... É tudo tão difícil e feito de má vontade... Quero desligar-me deles e continuar em frente, mas estão continuamente a colocar obstáculos em tudo. Ai se partilhassem a vontade que tenho de me ver livre deles... Parece que querem que continue ligada, online com a profunda estupidez, incompetência e má-vontade dos ditos. Auf wiedersehen/hoeren!!!

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Vile hubby

I just remembered the day I lost my child. I told them all but they could not help my grief. I needed someone to listen to me and to share my pain. No one could. They got away and the ones who stayed were happily staring at me, watching the way I was enduring the loss, and I just smiled as nothing had happened. She was carrying my husband's child and I didn't know. Bloody Ana! Betrayal in its grossest way! But I happily didn't know and had just lost my baby. Luis, the dreadful spouse, had made any witness from the birth disappear, any toy, every baby suit any diaper had disapeared from the room I had so gladly furnished... Vile guy who was expecting a child from his cousin's wife... I didn't know that at that time... 

When I could be by myself and cry my heart out, I stayed in bed for more than 2 weeks, fighting with inner ghosts. The villain was too busy to keep me company. I was all alone, lost in time, until the longing for survival became stronger than the darkness I was in.

Twenty one years after, I'm here, alive, keeping company to the new child I deeply love.

The vile guy? He is living somewhere with a vile wench who is, simultaneously, a guy and a girl... How precious... ;)

terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2011


Lua e Mel são duas meninas
felinas, ladinas, vaidosas...
Desdenham a companhia
que depois desejam
De trato difícil, a menos que,
lhes dês comidinha saborosa.
Mel suave e melindrosa
Lua a pender para Sol...
Parece um menino!
Coragem é o seu 'middle name'
Duas meninas que se completam
Tão iguais e tão diferentes
São de boa companhia.
Quando uma delas mia,
a outra vem logo a correr
a tentar morder.
Ai ai que feitios, vêm com os mios...

Adeus, Olá!

Todas as palavras se esvaem
No silêncio inoportuno
Melodia cinzenta
Sinos dobrando
Corrida maldita
Ferida desdita
Paragem no sono profundo
Ruído do mundo imundo
Saudades soçobram
Enquanto os sinos dobram
Caiem, estraçalham-se, esbatem-se
E eu fico feliz...